Timelapse & Hyperlapse Stock Video Footages

You are interested in our timelapse and hyperlapse footages (already shooted). Please discover our timelapse films on Vimeo or on YouTube. To select the footages/sequences you are interested in, please use the timecode of the videos.

Royalty Free Stock Video Footages

The footages are generally about 4 to 15 seconds long (sometimes more). These footages are assigned to the below amounts without taking into account their duration/length.

Footage HD


Footage 4K


Ordering New Timelapse or Hyperlapse Shooting

You can order new timelapse or hyperlapse sequences according to your needs. We charge 1 hour of shooting for an amount of 699€. 4 hours for 2000€. If the duration of your order exceeds 5 days, the shooting days can be between 8am and 8pm (with a 1 hour break) for a fee of 3000€ per day.


  • Shooting
  • Images processing
  • Images exporting (as footages)

Not included:

  • Travel expenses. Travel expenses are at your charge.
  • Different authorization requests (only if needed).